Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August Break

August Break

I decided to take on this fun blog activity... thing: The August Break, a project put together by the lovely Susannah Conway! Basically, participating bloggers take pictures every day during the month of August and post them on their blog/twitter/facebook/wherever. It's not a strict challenge in any way, it's all in good fun. Over 300 bloggers have signed up already, pretty impressive!

You can even check out everyone's pictures in the Flickr group!

I probably will not post my pics every day, but maybe once or twice a week!
Are you participating?


  1. I decided to post my august break pics once a week too. But i really like your pictures of connecticut below. we're on the east coast for the summer, but haven't made it to connecticut on this trip.

    1. Thanks, Alison! CT might not be the most cultural and exciting state, but you can always have a quiet vacation visiting cute towns, parks, and beaches ;)
