Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My DIY Project: February catch-up!

My DIY Project - February
As I mentioned before, my January project took too much time and I ended up finishing it a month too late. So I've decided to take on 2 projects this month to catch-up!

Decoupage of Cavallini & Co. gift wrap
I bought my Fira Chest from IKEA many years ago and always told myself that I was going to customize it.. and of course that never happened! One quick search on Flickr and you'll see just how creative people can get. I decided to follow this blogger's example: get a print (here Cavallini & Co. gift wrap from Paper Source) and "Mod Podge" it right on the chest! I chose the Paris map gift wrap, maybe it was too obvious of a choice coming from me but hey! I love maps and I love Paris!

Fira chest - Done!
And here it is! Easy peasy!

As for the "true" DIY project for March, it is almost done!

On a side note: I started using Pinterest a couple of months ago and have dedicated a board for DIY ideas. It's much easier to put together tutorials I see online and then choose from them later on!
Do you have a Pinterest account?


  1. Love the chest!!! I went on Ikea's site to see if I can buy one and they don't have it anymore :(

    1. Aww, yeah they discontinued it! it's too bad, i was thinking of getting another one, too!

  2. Very cool, i have the same chest at home, i really have to try this! well done


    1. Thanks! you should totally go for it, it's very easy!
